DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY Macon Community Hospital will be offering FREE Thyroid (TSH) Blood Screenings!

THE THYROID MAKES HORMONES that regulate the way your body uses energy, and it also plays an important role in regulating your weight, body temperature, muscle strength, and even your mood.

A THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE (TSH) test is done to find out if your thyroid gland is functioning properly. It can tell you if it’s overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism), and can even detect issues before you have any symptoms. If untreated, a thyroid disorder can cause health problems, so why wait?

COME BY THE MCH LABORATORY DURING JANUARY, Monday – Friday, 7am – 5pm, for your FREE thyroid screening, and find out if your thyroid is working the way it should!

For more information please contact us at 615-666-2147.


About Thyroid (TSH) Screenings

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped glad in the front of the neck that makes hormones that control how the body uses energy. Thyroid hormones affect nearly every organ, including the heart.

The TSH Screening is designed to inform people if their thyroid is functioning at proper levels. It can’t, however, show what is causing an irregularity. TSH tests are primarily used to check and diagnose initial signs of hormone imbalance, then to monitor those levels on an ongoing basis.

Who Should Be Screened

A TSH test may be used to help diagnose unusual bumps or lumps on your thyroid.

Or, most commonly, you may need a TSH test if you have symptoms of either too much or too little thyroid hormone in your blood.

Hyperthyroidism means you have too much of the thyroid hormone. Symptoms associated with this condition may include weight loss, rapid or irregular heartbeat, feeling anxious or irritable, fatigue, shaky hands, muscle weakness, sweating or heat-sensitivity, frequent bowel movements, and development of a goiter. Hypothyroidism means you have too little of the thyroid hormone. Symptoms associated with this condition may include weight gain, cold-sensitivity, joint and muscle pain, dry skin, dry or thinning hair, heavy or irregular menstrual periods, depression, or constipation.