“Macon Community Hospital saved my life!”
— Dale Fryman
This past February, Dale Fryman (center) decided to have a heart scan at Macon Community Hospital. “My father had a heart attack when he was younger than I am now,” says Dale, who’s 56 years old. “So I thought it was important I have my heart checked.”
Dale’s decision probably saved his life. A score greater than 300 is a sign of high to severe disease and heart attack risk. Dale’s score was higher than 4,000. Within a week, Dale had quadruple bypass surgery in Nashville.
Six weeks later, Dale started cardiac rehab at Macon Community Hospital. Margaret Wolford, RN, (left), Teresa Deering, RN (center), and Kendra Evetts, Respiratory Therapist, (right) were on Dale’s care team. “They were great from Day 1,” Dale says. “It’s not like a job to them. It’s something they really care about. The entire staff was very encouraging and constantly going the extra mile. They were more like coaches taking care of me every step of the way. It’s been a very pleasant experience.”
Dale says the cardiac rehab has really made a difference. “I had no energy when I first left the hospital, but now I’m walking on a treadmill for a solid 30 minutes and feel like I can go further,” Dale says. “Thanks to my heart scan and cardiac rehab at Macon Community Hospital, I’m alive and well again!”