“I have a stronger heartbeat than I’ve felt in 10 years!”
— James Hix

My name is James Hix and I am a Sleep Study Technician at Macon Community Hospital. I love working with the hospital and the Sleep Lab program for many reasons. I get to help patients understand why they are always feeling tired, and I get to help them find ways to get a better nights sleep, which is so important for overall health. I’m also fortunate enough to work with a skilled team of professionals who I know are always looking out for the well-being of our patients as well as fellow employees.
Not only do I work with the hospital, but I’ve also been a patient, so I really do understand what it’s like to rely on the medical team here, and why the staff is so great at what they do for patients every single day. I have had heart issues for some time, and one night I knew something was seriously wrong, so I called 911 and asked the ambulance to take me to the Emergency Department at Macon Community Hospital.
I can’t say enough wonderful things about Dr. Hannah Ilia and the ER staff that cared for me that night. Dr. Ilia examined me and recognized that I had a sluggish heartbeat, and my oxygen levels were dangerously low, so he immediately recommended that I seek further care. Ultimately, it turned out that I was in need of a heart transplant. Thanks to Macon Community Hospital Emergency Department and Dr. Ilia being so amazing, and quickly recognizing my issues, I was able to get to the right place for my surgery and within a month I had a new, stronger heartbeat than I’d felt in almost 10 years!
I can honestly say I sleep more peacefully at night knowing that I’m in better condition than I have been in years, and now I am back at work and continuing to help others in their own search for a restful nights sleep!