1. The patient is responsible for learning about the physical and psychological process of their disease. The better informed they are the better they will be able to participate in decisions concerning the planning of their care.
2. The patient is responsible for learning what comprises good medical nursing care and for making an effort to obtain the best care possible.
3. Patients are responsible for knowing about those hospital policies and regulations which will affect their experience in the hospital.
4. The patient is responsible for arranging for a companion or support person (husband, mother, sister, friend, etc.) who will share in their education and discharge planning.
5. The patient is responsible for making his/her preferences known clearly to the health professionals involved in his/her case in a courteous and cooperative manner and for making mutually agreed upon arrangements regarding care alternatives with his/her physician and hospital.
6. The patient and their families are responsible for listening to their chosen physician and with an open mind just as they expect him or her to listen openly to them.
7. Once they have agreed to a course of health care, patients are responsible to the best of their ability for seeing that the program is carried out in consultation with others with whom they have made the agreement.
8. The patient is responsible for obtaining information in advance regarding the approximate cost of their hospital care.
9. The patient who intends to change his/her physician or hospital is responsible for notifying all concerned well in advance of the change and for both of their reasons for changing.
10. In all their interactions with medical and nursing personnel, the patient should behave towards those caring for them with the same respect and consideration they themselves would like.
11. During the hospital stay the patient is responsible for learning about their continuing care after discharge from the hospital.
12. Before discharge the patient should put into writing constructive comments and feelings of satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction with the care (nursing, medical and personal) they received. Good service to families in the future will be facilitated by those patients who take the time and responsibility to write letters expressing their feelings about the hospital care they received.
A copy of these rights are available at:
The Admitting/ER Registration Desk, Nurses Station, Business Office, Outpatient Registration, and ER Waiting Area.